... mivel és hogyan kúrálhatják a baktériumok okozta gondokat a hozzáértők ...
Linkek a témában:
PfagoBioDerm tapasz
PhagoBioDerms a biodegradable polymer matrix (composed of naturally-occurring amino acids) impregnated with naturally-occurring bacteriophages (and, optionally, with other active ingredients), which can be used to treat bacterial infections .....
AgriPhage - FAQ
AgriPhage is a natural, safe and effective pesticide formula based on bacteriophage therapy
Ludwik Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy
Since 1980 the specific bacteriophages have been used in our Laboratory for the treatment of over 1500 patients with suppurative bacterial infections, in which a routine antibiotic therapy failed.
Phage Therapy Center
"Phage Therapy Center and our affiliates have developed novel technologies, methodologies and protocols for treatment of patients with very long term chronic infections. We specialize in treatment of chronic UTI, chronic prostatitis, chronic sinusitis and non-healing wounds. We apply a holistic, integrative approach to treatment of chronic patients. Not only is the infection cleared but also the general health is significantly improved.
Bacteriophage Therapy - Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy
MINIREVIEW Discovery of bacteriophages Early studies of phage therapy Commercial productionof phages Preclinical studies in animals Prophylaxis and treatment of bacterial infections in humans Bacteriophages as therapeutic agents: mode of action and safety profile Specific problems of early phageteraphy research....
Bacteriophage Therapy
1896 -ban Hankin észrevette, hogy a Gangesz szent vizéből vett mintába helyezett kolera baktériumok elpusztulnak. Ma már tudjuk, hogy a bakteriofágok amik 'felfalják' a baktériumokat és talán a antibiotikumok helyetesítői lesznek. Baktreiofág terápiával és phage gyógyszerekkel egyre több helyen találkozunk napjainkban az orvostudomány számos területén. Erről kínálunk pár idevágó linket...